Report of Mehrafarin consoler from five-year-old Kajal

Report of Mehrafarin consoler from five-year-old Kajal | 0 Comments | چهارشنبه ۲۹,آذر,۱۳۹۶ | 752 times
Report of Mehrafarin consoler from five-year-old Kajal

Devotion of young mother saved the life of her five-year-old girl from Sare Pole Zahaab

Kajal waiting for her late mother in earthquake that won’t come back

The five-year-old daughter of Sare Pole Zahaab:

When the house shook in earthquake and the entire house shook and fell down, I moved my mom but she didn’t move and everyone says she is now next to God.

The earth shook and the heart of worried mothers and fathers that take care of their children shook hundreds of times more than that and the holding bodies of parents were paradises that children took shelter in.

Kajal is a five-year-old girl from Sare Pole Zahaab that hugged her mother and sheltered, but unfortunately her mother died in earthquake by saving her daughter’s life.

This girl has pretty eyes that is why her mother chose the name Kajal for her. Beautiful eyes that carry a heavy sadness deep inside and are waiting for her mother to return.

Kajal maybe a young girl but she definitely has countless memories of her mother in her innocent heart and now she retells these sweet childhood memories. Right now we have a five-year-old Kajal that has lost her mother and she has to deal with this unbearable memory for the rest of her life.

My mother is next to God.

Kajal tells the story of her mother to consoler of Mehrafarin, Mrs. Fatemeh Khajooyi as following:

When the house shook my mother hugged me and we sheltered in one corner. The house fell down, we were buried under soil and mud but my mother hugged me firmly.

Khajooyi tells: right now Kajal lives with his father and mother-side family and has no clear idea about absence and death of her mother, she misses her a lot.

Consoler of Mehrafarin charity that is now located in above-mentioned areas tells the following story from Kajal, a sweet Kurdish girl: Kajal remembers clearly the moment when her mother died and tells while the house fell down my mother didn’t move. I pulled her hair and moved her, but she wasn’t moving at all. Everyone tells that my mother is now next to God.

Just imagine that a five-year-old thin and little girl, hugged by her mother, loses her and now she is missing her a lot.

How can we calm down Kajal and all the residents that have lost their dearest and nearest relatives and pin hope, once again, to their lonely hearts?

Khajooyi believes: considering that Kajal and children her age that have the same situation can’t understand death of their parents and because they are very young, it makes it even harder for the surrounding relatives to explain the loss.

She mentioned the bad emotional and stressful condition of families in earthquake and mentioned: residents in Kermanshah that lost their family members in earthquake need extra attention and care to pass this painful situation and loss of their relatives, which indeed will be better by consultations.

In distribution of help, the ones who have lost family members should be considered a priority because they may not be able to look for what they need like others do and it takes time for them to recover this pain.

Comfort is a lost element today among residents of Kermanshah and we should try hard, day and night, to prepare it for them.




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