The latest report of received help for residents in earthquake

The latest report of received help for residents in earthquake | 0 Comments | یکشنبه ۲۴,دی,۱۳۹۶ | 710 times
The latest report of received help for residents in earthquake
The latest report of received help for residents in earthquake
Based on consolers’ report, need for more kanexes is still felt and a lot of residents in Sare Pole Zahaab that are living in tents are looking forward to receive kanexes. Living in tents has led to disease such as common cold and infections respectively because of lack of proper treatment. 
Collected money so far: Rials 

That include:
27.702.158.874 Rials
Non-cash (estimated):
11.470.000.000 Rials 
Amount of money spent so far: 
23.789.342.691 Rials
Amount of money left: 
3.912.816.183 Rials
Up to now, the first part of help was dedicated to giving emergency services that earlier was reported on webpage and the second part was for building kanexes and temporary shelters which preparing 300 kanexes in different sizes is still going on.
Value of non-cash products in stock (Tehran, Kermanshah and Sare Pole Zahaab especially for earthquake) is:
4.300.000.000 Rials 
We require that you continue helping us, we should walk in this path slow and steady and with patience since dimensions of this earthquake is very wide and we should have a consistent presence in these areas. Worthwhile to mention that helping residents in earthquake doesn’t have any effect on other activities of Mehrafarin and we are still helping mothers and children with bad guardians as our main goal. 
Let’s help each other.



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