Report of the visit to professor Hesabi museum

Report of the visit to professor Hesabi museum | 0 Comments | چهارشنبه ۰۵,مهر,۱۳۹۶ | 581 times
Children were very excited right from the beginning. They had many questions in mind, they wanted to enter soon and get their answers. By guidance of Ms. Madadi, they walked in. At first, she explained a little bit about the date and history of opening the museum and executive activities within. All that was left from professor Hesabi, was gathered together in a simple, small and modest room, which actually retells how he lived, when he was alive.
To begin, they tell children about birthplace of professor Hesabi and how he lived, his researches and studies in teenage hood and youth times, the certificates and honors he received from different countries, different institutes, his writings and researches, only by one. After introduction, children arise their questions and photography from museum done. Finally, they write down notes in museum notebook refers to this subject:
We hope that one-day Mehrafarin children would be useful and valuable for this country.
But there were questions remained without any answers, so invited Mr. Iraj Hesabi (engineer) to come to Mehrafarin institute and makes speech for the clients



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